TIMARA’s computer cafe is a resource for the entire Oberlin community. You can can swing by to hang out anytime the building is open.
The space features plenty of comfy seating, a poster collection dating back decades, and four computer stations packed with a collection of DAWs — Reaper, Logic, Ableton Live 11 Suite — and interactive audiovisual programming tools like Max/MSP and Isadora.
You can also find maker resources in Cafe TIMARA including computer-aided design software like the Adobe Suite, Inkscape, Gimp, Blender, Fusion, and more. Several stations feature Cricut craft cutters, which are handy for making vinyl decals and flexible circuits, too.
Stop by to listen to some vinyl, peruse our library, or make use of the plethora of audio- and video-editing software that we stock on our lobby machines. Or, just stop by to get away from the rain and snuggle our studio dog.