On November 2, 2023, the Timara department at Oberlin College launched its concert season with an electrifying showcase at the Cat in the Cream. The first “Electrophonics” of the season featured the creative contributions of TIMARA majors and minors and friends, such as Matthew Cummings’ “Cocoa Cave [Eurobeat Remix]” presented in stereo fixed audio, Aman Leung Roy’s “A Dream About Falling Asleep” accompanied by video motion capture and live movement by Aman Roy, Will Judd’s “Until I Came Home” in stereo fixed audio, Oliver Harlan and Phillip Chao’s “Enypsis” presented in stereo fixed audio, David Skaggs’ “Crawling on Elbows,” with Skaggs himself as the performer, and Amanda Hergn’s “Mau,” combining stereo fixed audio and video, and featuring many, many cats. This evening offered a diverse array of sound and video compositions, demonstrating the department’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of electronic music and multimedia artistry.
As the night concluded, attendees eagerly looked forward to the next Electrophonics concert on December 1st at 9 pm in Stull Hall, anticipating more groundbreaking and sensory-stimulating performances.