Private Lessons
TIMARA students begin private study with faculty in their second year. Lessons provide a weekly session devoted entirely to students’ creative practice. Students bring works-in-progress to share with faculty members for creative feedback and/or technical assistance, or discuss new ideas and creative directions. Every faculty member has a different area of expertise and a unique pedagogical approach, and we encourage students to work with as many faculty as possible while they are here. On the whole, lessons are designed to guide students through their creative practice, and to help prepare to present work publicly, whether in an informal setting, on a departmental recital, or as part of a junior or senior recital.
Studio Class
TIMARA majors are surrounded by a diverse, supportive community of creators who experiment across media and disciplines. There is no better chance to get to know peers than in weekly, faculty-led studio classes. All students studying with a particular faculty member meet once a week to share progress on their creative work and to support one another with feedback and advice. While pedagogical approaches and class structure may vary depending on your instructor and peers, all studio classes provide a welcoming space for students to build community and learn from each other.
First year TIMARA students are invited to join studio class with peers so that they can get to know the department a bit better before they begin private study.
Secondary Lessons
Secondary lessons are private lessons for non-majors. Secondary students have a weekly one-on-one meeting with a current TIMARA major. Secondary lessons follow the same general format as private lessons, but are (typically) student-taught, and can cover creative or technical topics. Secondary lessons provide a wonderful opportunity to get involved in the TIMARA community. Secondary lesson applications are due the first week of each semester.